mercoledì, settembre 27, 2006


F'annwyl Nain, seren fy nos a haul fy niwrnod! Mi esi gweld Nain wedi ysgol heddiw. Does gwell na'i gweld hi'n contio fy nhaid druan.

Mae o'n symud. 'Lle mae hwn yn mynd eto?' ebe hi.

N: What's wrong, can't you walk? You been sleeping all day?
T: No I ain't. I been on the bike doing my exercizes.
N: Well you're walking like you been sleeping. You should be all surple.
T: Surple? Ha!
N: Yes you should.
T: Well I don't know what surple means, I think you mean 'supple'.
N: Oh sorry, Mr Correct.

Oes gwaeth sarhad na hynny? Oes, os mae Nain o gwmpas.

N: Hogyn del ei Nain ydi o!
Fi: Ia, Nain.
N: Wel, mae'n rhaid i rywun ddweud bo ti'n ddel, does.

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